Leaf forests only produce westerly winds. Red and gold leafs of Iowa center of forked rivers Moon rise, Moon lie, Moon lay. The moon planting and coloring in all forests place types. Then the leafs follow the sun over the western mountains producing all the forests of all America. Follows the sun over the horizon each night. Settles down over the mountains. Producing the rains Oregon, Washington, California daily. Leaf forests only can do this regular everyday thing. Westerly winds. Rains of Ore, Wash, Cal USA..
By the original operating pioneers Boston Massachusetts, Miami Florida, Tucson Az, Bakersfield Cal, Seattle Washington USA..

Original first old english Territorial Pioneer westerly winds expert. under construction. Copy of domain in case the server wears out. Find on bottom of page countdown to year30028.
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Before China before the Silk Trail before the bamboo trail. The Old Northern far eastern foot trail. Arriving to Ist Old English the North America 1st Old English Colonies Territorial Territory. Westerly winds.
(Now noticeing 1st legal ownership dateing back to 10,000 BC of all of the northern and southern east asia white territories. And over the top white foot trails east Asia westerly across the top to California and Hawaii territorials.) Westerly winds.

Iowa Midwest leafs follow the sun over the western mountains producing all the rains of Washington, Oregon, California rains forests of all America.

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Find below countdown daily to end of sale year30028.
Full array. Leaf forests must remain here. produces westerly winds rains Wash Ore Cal daily.